Tuesday, January 22, 2019

So, I am on this journey - the journey of self-publishing.  My advice about self-publishing is you need money.  It costs a lot to get your book out there.  When picking a publishing company, be sure they are reputable.  IUniverse is awful.  The published my novel, but it is an expensive format.  Make sure the publishing company is able to put your novel in a mass market format.  It will attract more buyers.  It cost me about $3,000.00 to publish and another $2,000.00 for editing.  Here's the thing, you need to know what kind of editing you are buying.  Are they just doing spelling and grammar or are they going to make comments and give contructive criticisms.  IUniverse did not do a good job with my editing.  There were grammar and spelling mistakes.  Of course this is my first novel, so it is a learning experience.  I just hope that this information may help anyone who is interested in self-publishing.